Sunday, October 21, 2012

How do you turn bad customer service into a win-win?

Customer service isn't always easy. No product or service is perfect. Customers get frustrated. There are some basic principles that executed consistently can turn bad customer service into a win-win.

Here are some very good ideas from Amber Schaub, founder and CEO of RuffleButts, an online retailer specializing in clothing for toddlers, offers a few tips on providing excellent customer service based on her five years’ experience as a small-business owner:

  • Always respond promptly. Even if you don’t have an immediate solution, customers like to know their complaint has been heard. Offer a tentative time frame if possible, or let them know you’re working on a solution.

  • Carefully choose employees. Employees who will be working in the customer service department or handling any customer interactions. “They are ultimately your voice,” says Schaub.

  • Make it personal. Include a handwritten note or a personal follow-up call.

  • Follow the golden rule. Treat your customers as you would like to be treated in a similar situation.

  • Use the Wow factor. Wow them. They will never forget it.

via How to Turn Bad Customer Service Into a Win-Win : topic :: American Express OPEN Forum.

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