Saturday, October 20, 2012

How can you turn a problem into an opportunity? Great service is the key!


We all experience problems with products we buy or service we receive from companies. We know it happens and can to some extent deal with it. What we can't deal with is a lame effort at resolving the problem. This is a great story on how to set up service to handle the inevitable.
Customers expect great service all the time but great customer service shines through mainly when something goes wrong. And despite their best attempts, organizations will face circumstances when their customers are unhappy with their experience.

The trick, and what differentiates great brands from the rest, is how they recover from these roadblocks. I recently purchased a highly discounted cardigan from one of my favorite companies, the flash sales site Ideeli. When the item arrived, I noticed that the belt that was supposed to be included was missing. I quickly emailed the organization to explain what happened and ask whether they could send me the missing belt.

Read the rest here: Great Service Turns Problems into Opportunities - Think customers: The 1to1 Blog.

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