Sunday, June 2, 2013

Do you know you are a global nonprofit?

You are a global nonprofit. Do you act like it?

Your audience is 2.4 billion potential constituents. You have international reach. Are you designing experiences with that audience in mind? The top 15 countries saw year to year growth of about 15% new users in 2012. Much of that is in emerging markets. The U.S has the highest penetration with 78% of the population connected. China added 264 million new users last year with only 42% penetration.

Key takeaway: You are a global nonprofit. Keep that in mind as you design the constituent experience.

Global Internet Users - 2012


  1. Great topic. This is one thing we are acutely aware of due :-))! As you have said it is not technology that saves us it is our behavior in using it. And that is such a great point. I create all our content on our website with the global constituent in mind. I do not do anything with only a local constituent in mind. That can sometimes be a negative in what we do but i still am looking globally. When it comes to services we have assisted people from all over the United States and from all over the globe via the internet and cell phone, yes via technology. (i am not a huge fan of technology u may have guessed by now, but i am forced to use it) :-))!

    When it comes to donations we have received donations from London, from Australia, Germany and Singapore.

    Those all were from Twitter relationships.

    Global indeed.

