Saturday, December 22, 2012

Are we willing to say "no"?

Now this is pretty big I think. And … I agree that we rarely pay attention to it. We must have a focus and that requires saying no to certain things, certain clients, and more.
Self control is the ability to say no, in the face of temptation, and to take sustained action, despite the difficulty of a given challenge. At its heart, self-control requires the ability to delay gratification. More commonly, it's called discipline, or will. Without self-control, we can't accomplish almost anything of enduring value. And we rarely pay much attention to it.

The Skill that Matters Most - Tony Schwartz - Harvard Business Review

What if we focused on building this skill? What results would be different for us?


  1. I completely agree. Although "Yes" is pleasant, it is easy. A well placed No can stand for integrity and as mentioned above, discipline. As a consultant, I had to say no a few times and, as it turned out, it garnered me more respect in the long run.
