Saturday, June 29, 2013

Project questions to start with

Here is project question to start with. We need to think different.

How will this project enhance the Constituent Experience in a way that’s so ‘dramatically different’ that we capture new constituents and retain old constituents and grow our share of the business with them? 

And, will it markedly boost the ‘top line’? What will the impact on our mission look like?

How can we do what has never been done before we think? We can. We need to think differently. That will lead us to act differently. Consider this from 1923.

“There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom.” ~~Robert Milikan, Nobel Prize in physics, 1923

1 comment:

  1. We have done exactly this, while trying to keep some of the things i have seen on your blogs in mind along with everything else i read. Yiur info is a huge help to an org like ours.

    We are altering the focus of our org for a number of reasons. Altering, not completely changing. The impact on our mission is minimal which makes me feel very positive.
