Sunday, June 9, 2013

How do your nonprofit moments of truth look?

As you would expect, Google has done some amazing research on the connected consumer experience. You should take some time to read their work that they have labeled under ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth). They have a handbook and eBook you can download as well.

Is the multi-channel approach obvious in the experiences and journeys you are investing in? Simply stated: are you showing up in the right places with the best designed experience to create an enjoyable, simple and relevant experience as possible?
Source: ZMOT handbook

A couple of observations:

  • Every nonprofit constituent is unique. With 1.3 million charities to choose from, will they choose you?
  • It’s never been easier to stop donating. With so many choices, why not pick one that gives you a great experience and connection with their mission?
  • Donation (online) abandonment has never been easier. Do you know what yours is? What would if mean to improve it by 25%?
  • Direct mail and traditional marketing isn’t enough anymore. You know this. Are you investing as much in online ads as you were in direct mail?
  • Cross channel engagement is snowballing. Are you balanced in your investments in offline, online, call center, social, and mobile?

1 comment:

  1. Ok....sheesh! Dang, my head is hurting and i am getting a bit dizzy!


    So, it is occurring to me i may have my head so far up...errrr i mean into helping our beneficiary constituents that i actually do not know what experience the outside viewer/constituent/donor is looking for.

    I cannot guarantee i can give them the experience they are looking for because of the fact that our concentration and focus is so strong on those we assist, but i would love to know what the experience is they are looking for and at least try, make the effort to give it to them the outside constituent.

